Love + romance = flowers

In business for more than 50 years, Brant Florist in Burlington has helped many generations to show their love with flowers.

While Valentine’s Day and wedding anniversaries are obvious times to send a beautiful bouquet, it’s even more romantic to send flowers spontaneously when there’s no special occasion.

Cherished Love Bouquet by Teleflora - BF4208
Cherished Love Bouquet by Teleflora – BF4208

Sending Valentine’s Day flowers not only reminds the recipient that they’re special to you but also displays your romantic spirit to all those who see the bouquet.

While red roses have always symbolized true love and romance, there are many other beautiful blooms that can express your message just as eloquently.

When you order flowers from Brant Florist, rather than simply picking up a bouquet at the grocery store checkout, you’re assured long-lasting flowers of the highest quality. They take pride in the presentation and can expertly arrange your flowers in an elegant vase, accompanied by sweet chocolates.

Whether you want to go over the top with 100 red roses or are in the first stages of your relationship and are looking for something more subtle, Brant Florist can deliver the message you want to send.

My True Love Vase with Long Stemmed Roses - BF4043
My True Love Vase with Long Stemmed Roses – BF4043

Putting your feelings into words can be difficult, but fresh, vibrant flowers definitely get the point across in a beautiful way.

There’s no denying that receiving flowers makes people happy. You can sign up for Brant Florist’s email reminder service, by inputting significant dates to keep the romance alive.

For more information or to place an order, visit our website or call 905-639-7001 or 877-545-5535.

Daily and rush deliveries are available. They offer same-day delivery locally and throughout North America, and next-day international delivery.