Spring is almost here! Mother Nature may be playing some tricks on us but spring will come and along with it will be all those beautiful spring flowers.
The tulip is probably the first flower everyone thinks of when spring is upon us. In the shop the customers are always excited to see them. It means the warmer weather is on its way!
So you’ve purchased your bunch of tulips or, someone was nice enough to send you some, and you look at them and say “now what do I do with them”.
Here are a few tips to keep your tulips and any other bulb spring flower lasting as long as possible.
- Choose a clean vase that is tall enough to support at least 3/4 up the stem so the tulips are supported. Otherwise the tulips will flop over the side and no one likes floppy tulips!
- As the days go by your tulips will actually grow taller so you might need to give them a cut if they start to look uneven. Also your tulips are attracted to the light and will grow towards it.
- Tulips are like a lot of us at cocktail hour… Whatever you’re drinking- Make sure the glass is clean, cool in temperature and filled to the top 🙂
The warmer weather, sunshine on your face and blooming flowers are on their way! Pick yourself up a bunch of tulips in the celebration of spring!