
Local florist can deliver your flowers worldwide

Brant Florist in Burlington is your one-stop shop for all of your floral needs. Proudly serving the Oakville, Burlington, and surrounding areas for over 50 years, our family owned and operated flower shop specializes in floral arrangements for a wide variety of occasions. Our flowers make a perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, corporate events, […]

Brant Florist Diamond Award 2016!

As a family-run business we’re proud to be providing outstanding products and service for 54 years and still going strong. We’re offering beautifully crafted and arranged fresh bouquets for every celebration or occasion, and continue to come out on top as Burlington’s go-to for sending out arrangements to loved ones. This year, we were once again rated

Augmentation Of Florists Jobs

The flower sellers, popularly known as florists, have immense amount of obligations to perform. They have to grow plants, create eminent designer floral displays do the marketing of flowers to attract the customers and making fast yet consistent conveyance to them. To become a florist or get a job at the floral field, one has

BDC Small Business Week 2013 is Oct. 20-26

According to research done by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) 99.8% of all Canadian companies are small and medium-sized businesses! Wow… When you think about it Florists are the ultimate small business! Sales, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Delivery, Technology, Marketing, Advertising all under the direction of the florist owner.  Very few businesses can match that.

We got all the Flowers to Make Someone Smile

Good Morning Everyone, we got some very exciting news to share.. “Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, offering only hand-arranged, hand-delivered floral arrangements, announced [earlier this month] its plans for Make Someone Smile® Week, the floral industry’s leading benevolent program running from Sunday, July 21 through Saturday, July 27. Teleflora member florists and community

Summertime Flowers…Fabulous Outdoors and Indoors!

There’s no mistaking it, summertime brings an array of spectacular flowers and foliage that other seasons just can’t deliver on. Peek into your garden or that of a neighbor’s and you‘re likely to find the likes of allium, astilbe and gorgeous hosta plants! Take in the beauty of soft lambs ear, mint, dahlias, gladiolus and

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