
When you see Tulips, you know Spring is almost here!

Spring is almost here! Mother Nature may be playing some tricks on us but spring will come and along with it will be all those beautiful spring flowers. The tulip is probably the first flower everyone thinks of when spring is upon us. In the shop the customers are always excited to see them. It […]

Spring Is The Meme

Hi there, it’s Ken Bolt from Brant Florist and being a florist, spring is, of course, one of my favourite times of year. Along with summer, fall, and winter, of course. Like most people, I generally claim the current, burgeoning season or the season that seems opposite of the one we’re in the middle of,

The Many Uses of Tulips

With spring just around the corner, many people are looking forward to the blooming trees and blossoming flowers. They’re so many ways that you can brighten up the environment for the new spring season. Many people like to brighten up their homes by changing the curtains and opening up the Windows. Some people prefer to

Spring arrives with Spring Flowers

Ahh the spring flowers… nature’s way of saying: you’ve made it through the cold winter, now here’s something pretty to look at after all that snow. It’s nature’s first breath, revival, rebirth! While some can’t wait to start gardening and seeing the results of their efforts slowly manifest in front of their eyes (a beautiful

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