

Roses come in a variety of colours and are a woody perennial flowering plant in the genus Rosa and in the family Rosaceae. There are over 300 spices and thousands of cultivars. They form a group of plants.  Roses form a group of plants that can be shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are […]

Everything You Need To Know About White Roses!!

Whenever it comes to the roses, you can imagine a wide range of colours or a rainbow of colours. Each of the colours undoubtedly has a particular meaning and has their own significance. The most popular one is the red rose that symbolizes unconditional love and respect. Similarly, the yellow rose is popular for expressing

6 Ways to Use Roses other than in a Bouquet or Vase

Roses have always been the symbol of beauty and love, since ancient times. Usually roses go along mostly with the bouquet or vase, but they are other ways too to lavish your special one with roses. Here are some romantic and exotic ways to use roses: Rose Oil: Apart from its beauty, roses have been

Red Roses – Deep Meaning, Ancient Roots

Hi there, it’s Ken Bolt from Brant Florist it’s almost universally understood that red roses mean love and romance. They are the traditional Valentine’s Day gift between lovers and will pack every florists shop from February 1 until after the holiday. The meanings and symbolism behind red roses, however, are deep-rooted and ancient. For centuries

Rose Hip Tea

Rose Hip Tea

Hi there, it’s Ken Bolt from Brant Florist and if you’ve never had tea made from rose hips, you really should try it. Roses are one of the most popular flowers in the world and, unbeknownst to most modern people, are also a great source of tasty treats. One of my favourites of those is

How Many Roses to Send for Valentine’s Day?

In the earlier post you’ve learned about the meaning of color in Valentine’s Day roses, and perhaps you’ve made your selection of the perfect Valentine’s Day roses that you’ll dazzle them with. But like most of us you’re probably unsure about the number of roses to give them. You’ve probably heard people say that each number of

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