

Roses come in a variety of colours and are a woody perennial flowering plant in the genus Rosa and in the family Rosaceae. There are over 300 spices and thousands of cultivars. They form a group of plants.  Roses form a group of plants that can be shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are […]

poinsettia Christmas plant gift basket

Poinsettias – The Belle of the Christmas Ball

Trimming your home with vibrant colours of red and green stirs up the brightest and best feelings of Christmas, of the holiday season, of rituals and of traditions passed through the generations. And when it comes to holiday red, what could make more of a statement of grace than the unequaled beauty of a poinsettia?

The Bromeliad Plant

There are over 3000 species of the Bromeliad Plant, from the pineapple plant to succulent plants and even Spanish Moss. The Bromeliad is mostly found in South America with the most varieties found in Brazil. Because of its ability to flourish in dry to desert like climates, to the rainforest and even in mountainous regions,

The Many Faces of Love Lies Bleeding

We’ve found a flower to feature in August that could very well have a multiple personality disorder, but sounds like a Bon Jovi song title; Love-Lies-Bleeding. This beautiful plant is also known as Amaranthus, Amaranth, Tampala, Tassel Flower, Flaming Fountain, Fountain Plant, Joseph’s Coat, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Molten Flower, Prince’s Flower and Summer Poinsettia and they have

A Look into the World of Weird and Exotic Flowers and Plants

Most people love flowers for their pleasing aromas, shapes and pretty colours. But nature is full of extraordinary flowers and plants, and some really take things to a new level. Like for example Dracula benedictii, a species of orchid found in Cordillera Central, Colombia resembles a monkey face, hence the nickname it got. It was named

Flower Garden Ideas

I remember someone once said to me, ‘a house no matter how small becomes lovely if it has a flower garden.’ On the other hand, a house regardless of how big — if it is without flora — seems bare and dry. That’s so true! Plants and flowers add character independent of the size of

Best Houseplants for Your Apartment

Houseplants make a great addition to your apartment and add life to your space! Many of them are easy to maintain and also help filter the air in your home and thus improve your health.. Here is a quick list: Pothos Plant Spider Plant Aloe Plant African Violet Snake Plant Peace Lily Fig Tree Boston

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