Roses have always been the symbol of beauty and love, since ancient times. Usually roses go along mostly with the bouquet or vase, but they are other ways too to lavish your special one with roses.
Here are some romantic and exotic ways to use roses:
- Rose Oil: Apart from its beauty, roses have been used for medicinal purpose, especially in aromatherapy. There is no greater romantic feeling than giving a rose oil massage to your partner. You can add a little amount of vitamin E oil or her favourite scentless body lotion. Many cosmetic and beauty products contain rose oil, but they are quite expensive to buy. Therefore, you can buy rose flowers from outside or online from Roses Only and can make rose oil at home. Homemade rose oil can be used in various ways and for many gifts.
- Rose Water: Like rose oil, even rose water has health advantages. You can use it as a facial toner to bring relief to your dry and tired skin. You can sprinkle on your sheets and curtains to add the sensual rose essence to your home. Also, you can use it in your food items like cake, pastries and cookies. You can even make excellent tea by adding a little honey or sugar to your rose water. But, be careful as the homemade rose water lasts only several weeks, so make sure you use it before it loose its scent.
- Rose Petal Potpourri: When your rose bouquets begins to droop, do not throw them away, but its petal can also be used after they finished blooming. You can make potpourri from these petals at home. Hang these roses upside down in a cool dry place to allow its petals to dry before they curl up. Once they are dry, take out these petals and put them in a glass jar and add a few drops of homemade rose oil. Stir the ingredients, seal the jar and shake the jar every couple of days for 8-10 days. Your potpourri is ready and you can place them in bowls or sachets to spread wonderful rose smell wherever you like.
- As a presentation element in the food: If you are planning for a romantic candle light dinner, then strew some rose petals on your dinner table to make your dinner time more intense and romantic. You can also use rose petal as a topping in fruit salads or cupcakes. Use the best quality roses from Roses Only as to make sure it does not affect your health. You can use roses for making several food items like biscuits, chocolates, jam, ice cream and many more.
- Rose Cocktails: After a wonderful dinner, spice up your night by giving a rosy touch to your cocktails. You can simply add a few rose petals or a few drops of rose water in a glass of a beer to add a light taste of rose to your drink.
- Rose Petal Bath: What is more pleasurable and romantic than helping her have a soothe bath after a tough day? Spread some rose petal and let them float in the hot bath tub. Use different colour roses and a few drops of rose oil or rose water, put on some soft romantic music, light some candles and give her a relaxing and exotic bath that she will never forget.