Cheers to the New Year!

Make your party lively and memorable with elegant floral arrangements from Brant Florist! We have a variety of memorable, glass centerpieces, that will shine at your table. You can even custom design your own new years flowers, if you got your creative flare on.

Toast of the Town by Teleflora
Toast of the Town by Teleflora, BF6100

Ring in the New Year with this whimsical winter bouquet! The perfect accompaniment to champagne and midnight kisses, this white floral arrangement is presented in an antique-style vase and adorned with a fun masquerade mask.

Winter Glow by Teleflora
Winter Glow by Teleflora, BF6101

As enchanting as falling snowflakes, this dramatic yet graceful arrangement is a beautiful choice for an elegant evening celebration, winter ball centerpiece or to send silver anniversary wishes during the winter months.

Garden Of Dreams Bouquet by Teleflora
Garden Of Dreams Bouquet by Teleflora, BF6587

Dream a little dream! Artfully arranged in our vintage Mercury Glass hurricane, this lush bouquet delights with fragrant white lilies, lavender roses and blue delphinium. It’s the gift of her dreams!

Whether you’ll be watching the ball drop at New York Times Square or hosting a glamorous party with fireworks at midnight, you’d want to have amazing decor that everyone will talk about!

Order now for a prompt delivery by Dec 31st!

Happy New Year from your Brant Florist Team

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