Good Morning Everyone, we got some very exciting news to share..
“Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, offering only hand-arranged, hand-delivered floral arrangements, announced [earlier this month] its plans for Make Someone SmileĀ® Week, the floral industry’s leading benevolent program running from Sunday, July 21 through Saturday, July 27. Teleflora member florists and community volunteers will be out in their neighborhoods in droves delivering Be HappyĀ® Bouquets to those in need of smiles ā such as hospital patients, senior citizens living in nursing homes and assisted living homes, and recipients of Meals-on-Wheels programs.”
You don’t have to be a florist to participate in this benevolent event! You too can bring a little sunshine into someone’s life, just visit your favorite florist and send some “happy flowers” to someone who you think needs them š
For the skeptics, we’ve found an interesting articleĀ thatĀ support the notion that flowers actually do induce real positive emotions in people. Why wouldn’t they.
Being a Teleflora affiliated florist, we carry many of their floral designs. You can browse through our online store in search of Teleflora’s sunny, cheerful, happy flower arrangements and bouquets – guaranteed to bring out smiles in anyone. Imagine the moment when someone you care about, receives aĀ Be Happy Bouquet, professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist. It will make them so happy.Their smile will in turn make other’s smile… contagious!
Remember, when times get hard, it’s memories like these that we all reflect on and cherish, helping us get through the day. It’s a pleasant feeling knowing that someone out there thinks and cares about you.