A Look into the World of Weird and Exotic Flowers and Plants

Most people love flowers for their pleasing aromas, shapes and pretty colours. But nature is full of extraordinary flowers and plants, and some really take things to a new level. Like for example Dracula benedictii, a species of orchid found in Cordillera Central, Colombia resembles a monkey face, hence the nickname it got. It was named in honor of Benedict Roezl the noted Bohemian collector, who discovered this species.

Monkey Face
Monkey Face

Or the White Egret, a distinctive wild orchid. It commonly grows in Asia and has been successfully flourishing in the United States. Its different appearance makes it feel like a flying bird. As its name shows, this type of wild Orchid comes only in white flowers. A completely grown flowering spike can have ten flowers, and can attain the height of sixteen inches.

White Egret
White Egret

And how about Ceropegia haygarthii. This weird charmer should be an inspiration to dream up some imaginary fabled beings.

Ceropegia haygarthii
Ceropegia haygarthii

Flowers and plants don’t always have to smell nice. Sometimes they stink. Like the Amorphophallus titanum, popularly known as the “corpse flower,” is the world’s biggest and worst smelling flower. Native to the Borneo rain forest, the plant blooms only a few times in its 40-year life span. During the first eight hours, the bloom emits a scent similar to rotting eggs or a dead animal. Gross!

Corpse Flower
Corpse Flower

Oh and it’s cousin, The stinking corpse lily is the largest known individual flower in the world. The flower is very rare, hard to locate, and smells like a decaying/rotting carcass.

Stinking Corpse Lily
Stinking Corpse Lily

Here is a nice one.. Lamprocapnos spectabilis, known commonly as old-fashioned bleeding-heart, Venus’s car, lady in a bath, Dutchman’s trousers, and lyre-flower is a rhizomatous perennial plant native to eastern Asia from Siberia south to Japan.

Batter Up! Baseball plant, is an incredibly popular house plant that is virtually extinct in the wild due to habitat destruction and the botanical equivalent of poaching. Its sap is poisonous, but it does make an attractive yard ornament.

Baseball Plant
Baseball Plant

Flowering from Spring through Fall, the Bat Face is a lovely addition to gardens, especially those in the South. Native to Mexico, the Bat Face Cuphea produces 1” tubular flowers that are rich with color.

Bat Face
Bat Face

This is a Parrot Flower native to Thailand. It is a protected species and resembles a parrot quite vividly. This flower can not be exported from the country so this is a rare opportunity to see such an amazing sight.

Parrot Flower
Parrot Flower

For more exotic flowers and plants visit out Pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/brantflorist/exotic-plants-flowers-trees-fruits/

Do you like a particular plant or flower that is extra ordinary? Let us know by commenting below..