Easter Lily

Guess who’s coming to town… No not Santa-We love you Santa but I was talking about the Easter Bunny! Easter is just around the corner so bring on the chocolate, family gatherings and the beautiful Easter Lily.

The story of how the Easter Lily got over to North America is pretty cool. A gentleman by the name of Louis Houghton brought a suitcase full of Easter Lily bulbs with him from Japan (who were the top dog in the Easter Lily bulb export business) in 1919 after World War I. He gave the bulbs to friends and family who were horticulture enthusiasts. After Pearl Harbour the Japanese bulb market wasn’t able to continue and that’s when the west coast saw an opportunity and jumped on it. Since then Oregon and the west coast are now the NEW top dogs in Easter Lily bulb growers.

Easter Lily Plant
Easter Lily Plant

Caring for your Easter Lily is pretty simple.

  1. It likes bright Light but not direct sunlight
  2. Keep away from heat sources-fireplaces, appliances… etc.
  3. Be sure to remove the yellow stamen out of the centre of the lily as it will turn to powder and stain your clothes, tablecloths… etc.
  4. Lastly and most importantly… DO NOT LET YOUR LILY SIT IN WATER

Remove the foil sleeve when watering and let the plant drain any excess water out. Then you can put the sleeve back on.

The meaning behind the Easter Lily is joy, hope & life. So why not buy someone an Easter Lily and spread some joy in their life and hope it will put a smile on their face.

Happy Easter!